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The flagship programme of Jireh Ministries’ education programme is Adoni Public School which is situated in Daspur, a remote village in the district of Kalahandi, Odisha. Adoni Public School provides English Medium education at a subsidised fees to children in this economically backward and rural area. Since a large per cent of children come from Below Poverty Line (BPL) and poor background, we charge a very nominal fee for their participation and ownership. The rest of the needs are met by Jireh Ministries. In fact, many children, who are really poor also get completely free education through 100% scholarship. We desire to upgrade the school to college by adding one higher class every year. Our aim is to help the underprivileged children to achieve their goals in life. The programme primarily works with underprivileged and deserving students by giving them English Medium education at an affordable fees. The school also provides after-school coaching support to students of higher classes which run in the evenings and mornings.
Mostly, the parents of these children are labourers, farmers, and domestic helps and are unable to support the educational needs of their children. The inability of parents to guide their children coupled with their illiteracy adds to the poor performance in their studies. But due to the intervention of Jireh Ministries through Adoni Public School, the children of Daspur village and other nearby villages have been able to afford
good education and excel in life.
Jireh Ministries provides 2 hours classes in Science, Maths and English for marginalized children through Adoni Public School in rural areas of Kalahandi in Odisha. In these areas, the academic level of children is much below the national average and the children need remedial education. Jireh Ministries has been able to enhance their academic level by approximately 35% through Adoni Public School. The school also conducts monthly tests in these subjects and monitors progress for the students on a regular basis. In total, there were 545 student beneficiaries from this project alongwith 48 teachers and support staff.


Class No. of Students
Nursery 38
Lower Kinder Garten 56
Upper Kinder Garten 86
Class I  61
Class II  66
Class III  72
Class IV  50
Class V  36
Class VI  25
Class VII  27
Class VIII  12
Class IX  20