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 A critical need exists for competent people who can bring change and lead their communities with compassion and effectiveness. The Garden Project’s objective is to fill this critical need to develop such leaders. The goal is to develop community leaders who will lead without the unhealthy power-centered leadership norms. They should excel in influencing people at the grassroot level, thereby deeply impacting the community.
The aim of Garden Project is to bring real impact in the lives of those who are changed through their competent leaders. Through these leaders, people learn a new leadership style by real example. In turn, these people make an impact on their friends, families and the whole community.
The Garden Project also aims to prepare young people becomes responsible citizens and better members of their families and communities. Topics such as creating a healthy culture, making strategic moves in life, peace making and conflict resoltion, leading a team to meet the needs of the communities, leading people through changes of lives, income generations and sustainibility, etc. Most of the workshops are conducted through using indeginous method of communication by means of stories, images, songs, music and drama. Innovative methods are implemented for better learning such as small group activities are organized to make them understand in a better way.
These programmes are conducted in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha. We have conducted 130 projects o far and up to now, we have been able to train more than 2000 young leaders. In this year, we have conducted 109 prgrammes.