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 Odisha has one of the highest number of rural population in the country. Looking at this, Jireh Ministries has started a medical prjoect in the district of Kalahandi in Odisha. The main objectives of this health project were to improve health status of the poor people of the community, facilitate availability of primary health care service, conduct awareness programmes on water, sanitation, nutrition etc. benefit of the urban poor and conduct free health awareness camps including free distribution of medicines.
With this health project, we have been able to reach out to thousands of people with both preventative and curative health care facilities in rural parts of Kalahandi in Odisha. Around 10 village panchayats and 10 high schools and colleges were covered with health awareness programs. Health and hygeine, food sources, snake bites, drowning, suicides, First Aids, sun strokes, dehydration, clealiness, and many other relevent topics were taught to hundreds of students and teachers and villagers thought our creative team. Free medical check-up camps and basic medicines have been distributed to the poor and needy patients. There is a special camp for senior citizens on every Thursday.
Special activities were carried on through out the year on special days like, World AIDS Awareness Day, World Kidney Day, Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan, etc. The school children used to display the messages to the community through various activities such as stories, dramas and skits, etc. During this year, we could also provide healthcare support to 540 patients.