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Think Deep is a new innovative project initiated by Jireh Ministries. This project aims to train and equip the leaders. We do this by combining creative practices such as visual art and participatory theatre to creatively train the leaders so that they can bring transformation and change in the community. We do this by unconventional methods and help and enable the leaders to think deep so that they can deliver a timely and distinctive new contribution to their community.
These leadership training programmes employed various styles and approaches since the groups were diverse and at different levels of exposure. But, all the approaches and styles that were used embedded the key principles of facilitating adult learning. The key principles were reinforcement, relevance, practical, safety and goal oriented. The training took participants through the selfdiscovery process of moving from the known to unknown and this mainly was done to aid experiential learning.
Some approaches used were exercises and games, power point presentation and flip chart illustrations and reflection sessions. During this year, 16 programmes were organised.